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Baltic Sea Mediterranean Sea Black Sea Azov sea Caspian Sea
List of species of Decapoda
Photo of Decapoda Habitat
A catchment area is the surrounding land, from which surface and underground waters enter the reservoir through rivers or directly, from rainstorms and melting ice. The Azov and Black Seas have a vast drainage basin, through which more than 300 large and small rivers flow. About one third of the land area of ​​Europe belongs to the Black Sea drainage basin. The catchment area of ​​the Black Sea exceeds 2.3 million km². Most of the water is brought by the Danube, as well as the Dnieper, Dniester, Bug, Don, Kuban, Rioni ... The total number of rivers flowing into the Black Sea is about 1000 and they differ greatly from each other in terms of water content and the size of their basins.
The overwhelming majority of them are small rivers, and only about 500 of them are more than 10 km long.
Many temporary streams also flow into the sea.
Two large rivers flow into the Sea of Azov - Don and Kuban. As well as small rivers - Eya, Chelbas, Beysug, Mius, Kalmius, Salgir and others...
In water bodies belonging to the catchment area of the Azov-Black Sea basin, 13 species of Decapoda are found.
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